elevate cx london 2024

November 8, 2024





10 speakers,100 CX LEADERS,& YOU!

lunch & drinks included

Join us for a day of deep diving into industry trends, tactical advice from CX leaders, and building new relationships that will help further your customer-centric career.

There’s more to customer experience than just answering an email really fast, and ElevateCX® is where people who take CX seriously can find deep, engaging education that they can use to train their teams. Our attendees are CX practitioners, managers, team leads, and others on the front lines with customers each day.

We'll bring inspiring talks, engaging workshops, and networking opportunities to motivate and connect you. This in-person event is the perfect platform for all customer experience leaders to learn, share, & grow.


Thanks to our Sponsors, HIREHORATIO and Intercom, we can make attendance for the London event free! We hope to see you there!

Meet Our first round of Speakers

  • CX Careers Don't Have to Suck

    You might have ended up in a CX career intentionally or by happenstance. Maybe you took the first good job that came along upon entering the workforce, or maybe you had skills that seemed like a match, such as problem solving, communication, or empathy. However it happened, you’re here now and career mapping can be a little weird in CX roles. Upward movement can be hard, lateral movement can be confusing, and you have to find the right people in your corner no matter which part of the maze you end up in.

    In this talk Kat will go over her own career trajectory, how she made things happen, and lessons learned through moving ~20+ team members into new roles within and outside of support."

  • Events & Community Manager at Rebuy and Founder of ElevateCX

  • Measuring CX through the Customers' Eyes

    No customer has ever said "I am so happy that ticket only took 3 mins instead 4" or "I am so glad that 98% of customers are satisfied, even though I am not". Yet these are things we put gold stars next to on our dashboard.

    When we measure customer experiences in support, we often focus on how our team is performing. Has average call time reduced? Has CSAT risen? Are first contact closes more frequent? These measures are not reflective of how the customer experiences our service. Do customers feel rushed off the phone? What about the experience of those who don't fill out the CSAT form? Do single-response tickets reduce personalization and feel robotic? We need to look at the customers' perspectives, not at our own. This presentation will explain how you can rethink measuring CX as the customer sees it.

    Attendees will be shown a metrics framework that can help them improve how they measure customer experience by combining the value a customer wants and the implicit or explicit feedback they give at each touch point in the customer journey.

  • "Welcome, new support team members of 2028!"
    A look at the possible future for support through the lens of a fake onboarding experience - what is the job, how does it work, what's changed from today. A fun way to talk about preparing for the big shift that is underway.

Have a story to share on
our stage?

What makes elevatecx different?

  • This isn't our first rodeo

    Our first ElevateCX® event was in 2021 in San Francisco. Since then, we've produced over 40 events worldwide and showcased over 300 speakers on stage from companies like Google, Atlassian, Slack, and Zendesk. We curate talks to be on-trend, tactical, and practical for all attendees.

  • genuine, sustainable community

    Our return rate for attendees is over 80% each year, leading to an authentically connected community that thrives even after our conference has wrapped. Join us in our thriving Slack community to ask questions, share wisdom, and make new connections with other CX leaders.

  • peer-to-peer learning

    People learn best from people who reflect their own lives. We focus on bringing peer leaders to the stage to empower and encourage them in an accessible way, and we do not hire professional speakers or celebrities.

  • Empowering stories

    Everyone has a story to tell that can encourage, empower, enlighten, and inspire someone. We’re dedicated to telling stories that will resonate with CX leaders no matter where they are in their career journey.

  • continuing education

    We don’t believe in mountaintop experiences. We focus on creating sustainable educational resources throughout the year. From bi-weekly Masterclasses to our podcast and FXCO program, you’ll be well-integrated into our community at lightning speed.

  • no frills, all thrills

    We are a vibrant, young community of CX leaders uninterested in suits and ties, heavy sponsor promotion, or profit-driven resources. We’d never take equity from a sponsor partner and maintain a strong code of ethics for who we partner with.

What our attendees say

Ready to join us November 8?


We’re headed back to The Trampery Old Street in Shoreditch for a full day of talks and building authentic relationships. Coffee, lunch, and our happy hour are included in your ticket price.


Have questions? Want to be a speaker or sponsor?

Get in touch!